4,200 research outputs found

    SliceNet: end-to-end cognitive network slicing and slice management framework in virtualised multi-domain, multi-tenant 5G networks

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    ©2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Network slicing has emerged as a major new networking paradigm for meeting the diverse requirements of various vertical businesses in virtualised and softwarised 5G networks. SliceNet is a project of the EU 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G PPP) and focuses on network slicing as a cornerstone technology in 5G networks, and addresses the associated challenges in managing, controlling and orchestrating the new services for users especially vertical sectors, thereby maximising the potential of 5G infrastructures and their services by leveraging advanced software networking and cognitive network management. This paper presents the vision of the SliceNet project, highlighting the gaps in existing work and challenges, the proposed overall architecture, proposed technical approaches, and use cases.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Using annotation and specialised electronic corpora to facilite the reading of journal aricles in the filed of Law. Póster

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    A comprehensive analysis of any professional genre must consider and integrate text-internal as well as text-external aspects of language use (Bhatia, 2004). Beyond the well-known difficulties of legal language (Bhatia, 1982) and its main features (Alcaraz Varó, 2002), the rhetorical structure of a RA is a reflection of the professional practices of scholars in the field of law. Linguists consider that a genre is an instance of a sociolinguistic activity through which members of certain discourse community achieve their communicative purposes (Swales, 1990). A genre is defined then by its shared communicative purposes and manifested by its particular structural and linguistic features. The Research Article (RA) is the main channel of scientific or scholarly communication, which turns it into the target genre for PhD candidates in law.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci

    The role of corpus linguistics in developing innovation in data-driven language learning

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    [SPA]El data-driven learning o aprendizaje basado en datos se caracteriza por el uso de bases de datos de lengua en uso que los alumnos analizan para identificar patrones de uso. El aprendizaje a partir de datos encaja a la perfección dentro de los nuevos paradigmas de enseñanza y se ajusta a lo que se conoce como aprendizaje en el S.XXI o aprendizaje para la vida. En este nuevo escenario docentes y discentes deben adoptar nuevos roles. Los alumnos deben hacerse responsables de su propio aprendizaje y deben actuar como agentes activos en el proceso de aprendizaje y no como meros receptores de información. Por su parte, los profesores se convierten en guías o en facilitadores del proceso. Al hacer a los alumnos comportarse como investigadores, el aprendizaje a partir de datos es, por lo tanto, un ejemplo representativo de aprendizaje centrado en el alumno. Además, este enfoque promueve el aprendizaje inductivo, ya que el análisis de datos, la formulación de hipótesis y la extracción de conclusiones son los tres pilares en los que éste se sustenta. A pesar de los beneficios derivados de esta metodología de trabajo basada en corpus lingüísticos, sus aplicaciones en el aula se han basado tradicionalmente en la transferencia directa de los métodos y las herramientas que se usan para el análisis de la lengua en el ámbito investigador, lo que causa problemas para la implantación y expansión de esta metodología en contextos educativos. El tipo de aprendizaje basado en datos que proponemos en este trabajo está basado en un enfoque novedoso en lo concerniente al modo en el que los datos lingüísticos son tratados por los investigadores/profesores y por los alumnos. El uso de un nuevo modelo que favorezca una transformación de datos en información significativa para los alumnos es la clave de nuestra forma de abordar la innovación educativa en el aprendizaje de lenguas. Los proyectos europeos, SACODEYL y Corpora for Content and Language Integrated Learning, son buena muestra de experiencias de innovación en el campo del aprendizaje para la vida. [ENG]Data Driven (language) Learning (DDL) is characterized by the use of language data in the language learning classroom so that students can analyse language and identify patterns of use. DDL fits well with contemporary learning paradigms and with the so-called 21st C learning or lifelong learning, which implies a new attitude on the part of students and teachers. In this new scenario, students need to take responsibility over their own learning and become active learners, and not mere recipients of information. Teachers turn themselves into guides and facilitators of the learning process. In making students work as researchers, DDL is therefore a representative example of learner-centred teaching. Moreover, this approach fosters inductive learning, as the process of analyzing data, formulating hypotheses and deriving conclusions is at the heart of this approach. However, classroom applications of traditional corpus linguistics have relied on heavy linguistic research paradigms, which according to different authors has problematized the use of this methodology. In the context of our proposal, the data-driven culture that we want to foster is based on a totally new approach to the way in which language data are treated by researchers/teachers and learners. The use of a new data model which favours a more rapid transformation into information which is meaningful to learners is at the hub of our approach to innovation. Two European projects, SACODEYL and Corpora for Content Language Integrated Learning are examples of innovation in the field of lifelong learning.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci

    Plyometric Training in Female Volleyball Players. Systematic Review

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    El voleibol femenino se práctica en todo el mundo a nivel profesional y amateur. Los saltos verticales son una parte fundamental para el desarrollo de este deporte, por lo que el entrenamiento pliométrico puede ser eficaz para un aumento del rendimiento. El propósito de estudio fue describir cuáles han sido los métodos y programas de entrenamiento pliométrico en mujeres que practican voleibol, así como el resultado obtenido en función de estos. El proceso de búsqueda en las bases de datos se llevó a cabo desde Marzo hasta Junio de 2016. Las bases de datos consultadas fueron Pubmed, Web of Science, Cochrane y SPORTDiscus. La revisión sistemática fue realizada bajo las recomendaciones de la declaración PRISMA. La calidad metodológica de los estudios fue evaluada mediante la Escala PEDro. Como resultado, se obtuvieron un total de 205 artículos tras eliminar aquellos que estaban por duplicado. Finalmente 7 artículos fueron seleccionados. Los resultados principales fueron que aquellos estudios que utilizan deportistas amateurs obtienen mejores resultados que los realizados con deportistas profesionales cuando se realizan programas de entrenamiento pliométrico. También se indica que un período de entrenamiento pliométrico de baja intensidad puede prevenir una disminución en la altura del salto vertical; así como es necesario programar la pretemporada para evitar pérdida en la capacidad de salto. Todo ello parece indicar, como conclusión, que es necesario una disminución del volumen y un aumento de la intensidad en el entrenamiento pliométrico.Female volleyball is practiced all over the world at a professional and amateur level. Vertical jumps are a fundamental part of the development of this sport. In this sense, plyometric training can be effective for increased performance. The purpose of the study was to describe the methods and programs of plyometric training in women volleyball players, as well as the results obtained from them. The following electronic databases were searched March to June 2016. Electronic databases consulted were Pubmed, Web of Science, Cochrane and SPORTDiscus. This systematic review was performed following PRISMA statement. PEDro scale was used to evaluated the methodological quality of the included studies. As total of 205 articles were obtained after remove duplicates. Finally 7 articles were selected. The main results were that those studies using amateur athletes obtain better results than those performed with professional athletes when performing plyometric training programs. It is also indicated that a period of low intensity plyometric training could prevent a decrease in vertical jump height; As well as it is necessary to schedule the preseason to avoid loss in the ability to jump. All this seems to indicate, in conclusion, that a decrease in volume and an increase in intensity in the training of plyometric training is necessary

    Water IoT monitoring system for aquaponics health and fishery applications

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    Aquaponic health is a very important in the food industry field, as currently there is a huge amount of fishing farms, and the demands are growing in the whole world. This work examines the process of developing an innovative aquaponics health monitoring system that incorporates high-tech back-end innovation sensors to examine fish and crop health and a data analytics framework with a low-tech front-end approach to feedback actions to farmers. The developed system improves the state-of-the-art in terms of aquaponics life cycle monitoring metrics and communication technologies, and the energy consumption has been reduced to make a sustainable system